Unit 2 CD- A comer!

Ready to go out to eat? Parts C and D will present restaurante dining in Spain along with Spanish culture. On the Grammar Side asking people to do things, or Command Forms of verbs will be presented too.

  2. SP 2 Unit II CD Master List Español
  3. Power Point I- Unit 2 CD PPT Final
  4. Formal Command Packet 1
  5. Tiendas y Mandatos

20 de noviembre y 23 de noviembre

Are you thankful?  Estás agradecido? See the profiles of Hispanic countries in a Group, Rabid Research Project. After you gather information in English, you will compare and contrast our country with your research country en español. 

  1. Reading-Gastro España Lectura & Actividades
  2. Video- Gastronomia de España

30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre

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Conversar:  Look at the image Use the following with a partner-

  1. ¿Cuanto cuesta cada uno?
  2. Nombra 2 pinchos.
  3. ¿Cuánto cuesta la ración?
  4. ¿Cuánto cuesta la tapa?
  5. Nombra 2 entremeses.
  6. Que es mas grande? ¿una tap o una ración?

La Gramática

  1. Los verbos de bota- Probar, almorzar – O to UE, Verbos de Bota y Verbos de Plataforme
  2. Formal Commands. Formal Command Packet 1
  3. Vocabulary C- D-
  4. Power Point I- Unit 2 CD PPT Final
  5. VideoIr de Tapas- subtitulos Fill out Video viewing guide.

2 y 3 de diciembre

Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 5.41.38 AMletas.

  1. Restaurant Vocabulary C and D Review with the Power Point. (See above)
  2. Dec. 3 and 4 only – Edmodo Quiz- New Vocabulary from List CD, How Formal Commands work, and the meaning of the verbs on List CD

4 de diciembre

  1. EscribirEscribe una descripción del dibujo arriba. Utiliza oraciones comp
  2. Edmodo Quiz– New Vocabulary from List CD, How Formal Commands work, and the meaning of the verbs on List CD
  3. Story- La Cuenta – Juan Pablo y Alejandro en el restaurante- read and do all written and speaking activities.
  4. Partner  are passed out. Formal Assessment Grade.El Restaurante Spanish Group Skit

7 y 8 de diciembre

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  1. New Story!  Restaurante Story 1
  2. Video Ser Mesera. Fill out Video Viewing Guide
  3. Work on Group Restaurant Skit; assigned groups of 3. El Restaurante Spanish Group Skit

9 y 10 de diciembre

  1. Power Point- Tiendas Mexicanas 2 CD tiendas mexicanas 2 CD
  2. Practice: Formal Commands Mandatos Formales- See Document Formal Commands I
  3. 2. Written Practice: Do A y B BV Work Book p. 114 hard copies
  4. 3. Work on Presentations in Groups

Closure Questions. Completa las siguientes:

  1. Nombre del restaurante
  2. La comida que piden los clientes
  3.  Escribe 2 ejemplos de mandatos formales

14 de diciembre- Dia B

  1. Practice formal commands with one attached Direct Object Pronoun
  2. Some groups present the Restaurant Skit
  3. Centros- centers on the preterite of Ir and Hacer, formal commands, formal commands and attaching a direct object, possessive adjectives, Connect 4 with regular preterite with tiendas, and a writing prompt center on shopping for food in Mexico.

15 y 16 de diciembre

  1. Mini- Review. I’ll be available to answer specific questions about the test.
  2. Take the test
  3. When finished– start the Writing Prompt Practice that will be posted
  4. Finish Group Restaurant Skits

17 & 18 de diciembre

  1. Las Posadas video 1, Video 2
  2. Las Posadas
  3. Writing Prompt Writer’s Workshop to prepare for mid-term in January
  4. Make Up-Clean Up Day
  5. Remaining Presentations


  1. Ir de Tapas- subtitulos
  2. Video – Ser Mesera
  3. El Pan es Vida