Review for Mid Term- Units 1 and 2

Here are the review materials for you to use for the Mid Term 2015.


Sra. 14’s classes: SP 2 Mid Term Reading & Review Packet. Turn in your Answers to Google Classroom.

Writing Models

Sp 2 midterm writing model

On-Line Games

**Look at the front board for Login and Passwords.

  1. Play the following games that are listed under my profile: formal commands, direct object pronouns, preterite verbs
  2. Question Words: Review & Quiz,  Formal Commands with Direct Objects, Preterite,
  3. Kahoot: You can play this with a partner or in a group:  Preterite, Possessives

For Old School Game Ideas see me for Tic Tac Toe boards, Connect Four boards, 1-2-3 card games, etc.