Unidad 3CD- Las Maravillas del Cuerpo Humano

Learn about how and what the incredible human body can do in Spanish!

  1. Master Vocabulary, Grammar, and Phrase List 3CD- SP II Master List 3CD
  2. Partes del Cuerpo Power Point Parte I-Unit 3CD Body Parts I
  3. Partes del Cuerpo Power Point in video format
  4. Injuries- Lesiones –  U3CD Lesiones
  5. Story I – U3CD Juan Pablo Story
  6. Activities Part 1- U3CD Body Parts I Activities Part 1
  7.  Activities Part 2 –  3CD preterite body parts

Games, Activities and Chants

Body parts add-on chant. Get your beat on! Chant One, Two, Three: The Body to start and add two claps or snaps.  Then do the same one, two, three chant and claps and add on another body part. Each person has to chant the previous body parts and then add on a new one.

1 * 2 * 3 el cuerpo

(1st person) one, two, three –  head.

(2nd person) one, two, three  – head, neck

(3rd person) one, two, three – head, neck, shoulders . . . .




  1. Medicos sin fronteras – http://www.msf.es/conocenos
  2. http://mx.tuhistory.com/noticias/las-momias-mas-antiguas-del-mundo-estan-en-latinoamerica-y-son-chilenas